The Vacuum Tube
Supercomputer Centre

       Terabytes from Tubes

        virtual tour           aerial photo

The Vacuum Tube Supercomputer Centre offers true vector supercomputing at competitive rates. Previous vacuum tube computers were nothing to get excited about, but that was before our innovations in data transmission between chassis and buildings (HotWired®) made superluminal actions at great distances not only possible but routine.

The use of vacuum tubes makes maintenance possible with a fork lift instead of tweezers and a magnifier, and allows a modularity and openness previously impossible in supercomputer architecture. Our industry-leading record for uptime is no accident, as it is common for employees to be changing out or even rewiring circuits while the computer continues steaming away at full speed. We call this approach MassMultiplicationtm, because in this case size definitely matters.

How's your JCL?
At the control console

VTSC's many satisfied customers include the weather office, which originally needed to run a massive model of our state's entire atmosphere to see if we were accelerating global warming. They were happy with the speed and reliability with which their jobs executed, even though they weren't as thrilled with the effect of some of this extended number-crunching on the weather. You will be happy too. Have your IT department get in touch with us, and soon, between El Niños, you too will be singing the praises of empty-state supercomputing.


Contents Copyright © 2002
The Vacuum Tube Supercomputer Centre